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Contact France

Thank you for your interest of our products in France !

Goods will be shipped from European warehouse, you don´t need to pay any import fees.

We accepting following payment methods : PayPal , Bank Transfer (proforma invoice) , Credit / Debit Card Visa and MasterCard.

Shipping is provided by : UPS Express, TNT Economy , DPD or FedEx Express. You can easy choose what is more effective for you during order process.

Delivery takes 1+ days depending on service that you choose. Price started on 7 € with delivery to your door in France or BeNeLux countries !

DVBMarket.com is main distributor of IPTV receivers , Infomir MAG , TVIP , Formuler, Medialink and many more brands in France.

Just choose your country in the shopping cart during ordering, all is automatic.

Any questions ? france (@) dvbmarket.com


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Vieira Frederic, 7 months ago


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