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Contact Luxembourg

Thank you for your interest of our products in Luxembourg !

Goods will be shipped from European warehouse, you don´t need to pay any import fees.

We accepting following payment methods : PayPal , Bank Transfer (proforma invoice) , Credit / Debit Card Visa and MasterCard.

Shipping is provided by : UPS Express, TNT Economy , DPD or FedEx Express. You can easy choose what is more effective for you during order process.

Delivery takes 1+ days depending on service that you choose. Price started on 7 € with delivery to your door !

DVBMarket.com is main distributor of IPTV receivers , Infomir MAG , TVIP , Formuler, Medialink , Smit, Neotion , Powercam PRO and many more brands in BENELUX countries.

Just choose your country in the shopping cart during ordering, all is automatic.

Any questions ? luxembourg (@) dvbmarket.com


Fantastic!! Price, shipping, communication all a 10

Edgar Bakhshiyan, 6 months ago


Díky za rychlé doručení do Irska přístroj jede výborně všem doporucim vaši firmu Dík Jara

Jaroslav Valenta, in the last week


Zdravim ..Bohuzial resiver mi este nedosiel.Tak stale cakam ,dufam ze dojde..Kolegovi dosiem behom tyzdna do irska ...Dakujem za pochopenie..

Peter Cirner, in the last week

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